This book has already been shipped to various parts of the world, including South Korea, the USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, Italy, Slavakia, Spain, the UK, the Netherlands, and locally here in Auvergne.
RIVERSCAPE has made it to the Awards: IPA 2024 Official Selection (3rd week September 2024 winner announcements)
(mixed languages)
(Ireland, March 2024) bookbundle: (IE, March 2024) I am very impressed both by the quality of the books and the diversity of the images in them. Both books capture, for me, a sense of the many aspects of their subjects. I have spent an hour happily looking through the images and I am looking forward to spending more time taking them in and finding inspiration for my own photography. Congratulations on the two books - I am very pleased with them
- Jon Wheeler (Ireland)
(USA, January 2024) FRAMES magazine book review - review by W. Scott Olsen ... I've have on my desk today a book by Kristel Schneider called Riverscape. This is a book about the Allier river in France, which the book’s cover describes as one of Europe’s last great untamed rivers. The book is tremendously beautiful. It is also illuminating and important.
... ..But a particular challenge for landscape photographers is how to find the story in the landscape. Not so much the story of the landscape (although that’s certainly there, too), but the story in the landscape...tFor the full (long) review go to the FRAMES website here
(NL, January 2024) Kristel's photo books are truly a captivating experience.
The tree book weaves a story with each photo, allowing me to 'read' and appreciate the beauty in every image. On the other hand, her Allier book, portraying the river, presents a stunning blend of landscapes, flows, and expressionistic shots. The latter, in particular, deeply resonates with me, inspiring my own photographic journey. The keywords—rhythm, feeling, intimate, patterns, texture, light, and nature's colors—perfectly capture the essence of Kristel's work. I'm eager to revisit these books, sharing them with others - Cathrien Pouw (The Netherlands)
(USA, November 9th 2023) I received your RiverScape book here in the mountains of Colorado. What an amazing work of art you have created! From the moment I removed it from the packaging it was clear that this was something special. Just the cover alone speaks of quality, beauty, creativity, and artistry! Then as I open it up and was pulled into the beauty. The paper quality is outstanding. The printing is perfectly done and I know having worked as a printer for many years and also having produced many books myself. The design aesthetic however was even better. I just love the approach that you took from the color choices to the graphical elements and the creative layout. They will certainly inspire me in future books that I create. Then the overall project of traveling from the high river in the south to the lower reaches in the north was wonderfully done, supported with some stunning imagery. All of the photos helped me feel like I was getting to know this river and its many moods as it transitions on its journey through France and also through the seasons. The abstract images, especially the close-up views of the water conveyed such emotion. They made me want to study each image while also recognizing the great artistry behind them. This entire book is a triumph. It is one of the most beautiful photography books I've seen. Kristel, congratulations on creating such an amazing work of art! I hope that you find many venues to sell this book and that it not only helps to bring greater attention and protection to this beautiful waterway, but that it also helps to support and advance your career as a nature photographer. - Erik Stensland (USA, Photographer/Gallery owner - Images of Rocky Mountain National Park)
(France, Novembre 8, 2023) [Livre Coup de Cœur] je n'ai pas l'habitude de parler des livre photo qui composent ma bibliothèque mais lorsqu'un livre est une petite pépite, il apparaît évident de le partager. Ce coup de cœur concerne le livre " RiverScape " de Kristel Schneider. Lorsqu'on le découvre à travers sa couverture épaisse où les reflets argentés du titre se mêlent au fond bleuté de l'eau, la tonalité est donnée. On y découvre, en le parcourant un récit de nature, celui d'une rivière, l'Allier, qui se laisse surprendre par le regard d'une photographe sensible qui arrive à nous faire ressentir une sensation de bien être à la mesure de ce que l'on ressens au contact de la Nature au grand air. Kristel y partage sa vision de contemplation d'un instant fugace au travers d'images illustratives du mouvement fluide de l'eau, son ressenti plus personnel au travers d'images artistiques très bien maitrisées à la consonnance impressionniste du plus bel effet pictural. Et puis des paysages plus oniriques font leur apparition, la brume prend le dessus, nous transportant dans un imaginaire que seuls les amoureux de la nature comprennent. Les saisons défilent sous nos yeux et nous laissent une envie d'en voir encore plus, c'est donc un pari réussi ! Lorsque qu'un livre vous transporte et nourrie votre inspiration au point de vouloir sortir faire des photos, on sait que c'est une pépite qui nourrie l'âme et pour cela un grand Merci Kristel !
La fin d'année approchant c'est une idée de cadeau de Noël parfait pour un amoureux de Nature ! - Arnaud Nédaud (FR)
(NL, November 6, 2023) Gefeliciteerd met de uitgave van dit prachtige album! Wat zal je blij zijn ermee! De liefde straalt eraf en de vormgeving is subliem. Je fascinatie voor water deel ik, ik kan ook uren naar de vormen, kleuren, rinpelingen en beweging kijken. Maar zo mooi vastleggen als jij ... Het boek staat op onze boekenstandaard en Aart en ik zoeken om de beurt een foto uit om in het langslopen even bij stil te staan. Vooral de sneeuwfoto's scoren bij mij hoog. Maar die van de zomer en herfst even zo goed.Met name ook de (ogenschijnlijke) ongereptheid, de verlatenheid en de eigenheid spreken aan. Eigenheid in de zin van dat het water volledig zijn gang gaat, stroomt naar waar het laagste punt is en overstroomt bij te veel. Af- maar ook onafhankelijk van weer en wind. Het voorwoord van Estelle Gournez is lyrisch en getuigt van liefde voor de rivier en voor jou. Voor het live horen van de muziek van Fabrizio Paterlini gaan we in januari naar Tivoli in Utrecht, maar Spotify biedt ook veel. Inderdaad watermusic! Lieflijk en rustgevend. - Fredy Blom (The Netherlands)
(NL, November 3rd 2023) Al meanderend door het boek neemt Kristel me mee naar de schoonheid van de d'Allier. De beelden tonen de vele facetten van deze rivier; ruig, kalm, wild en sereen. Inspirerend in beeld gebracht door een mix van prachtige overzichten, intieme landschappen en abstracte beelden. Hier wil ik direct naar toe. De samenwerking met Fabrizio Paternelli is bijzonder geslaagd. Zijn muziek luister ik inmiddels vaak en versterkt de beleving van dit boek. Kortom, 2 dikke aanraders. - Jowan Iven (The Netherlands )
(NL, November 4th 2023) Kristel, wat een schitterend boek is RiverScape geworden. Gefeliciteerd met dit prachtige naslagwerk over de Allier in al haar facetten. Met mooie verstilde beelden met zacht licht, met beelden waarop de stroming van de rivier goed zichtbaar is en met prachtige abstracte beelden. Ik zal dit boek regelmatig openslaan en waarschijnlijk telkens weer nieuwe dingen ontdekken. Genieten! - Claudia Kerkhoff (The Netherlands).
(NL, October 27th, 2023) Het is werkelijk een prachtig boek met zeer indrukwekkende foto’s.
Ik ga er heel erg van genieten - Jenny van der Kolk (NL)
(UK, October 27th, 2023) What a magnificent book!
I have just succeeded in breaking my way into the packaging and can see that it is a really splendid production with some gorgeous photographs included: you must be very proud that all your hard work has ended up looking so good. I look forward to spending time over the weekend browsing through the book page by page - Peter Pauwels (UK)
(THE NETHERLANDS, October 26th, 2023) Niet gewoon een fotoboek, maar deze publicatie is voor mij een kunstwerk en visuele poezie. Ik voel me uitgenodigd om deze geheime plekken eens in mijn leven te bezoeken- Robert van Bijlert (Artist, NL)
(SWEDEN, October 21 2023 ) .. after reading and enjoying your beautiful book...A water surface can be deceptive. However beautiful to the human eye, it may be sterile down below if the river is dammed. But the Allier is not.
To capture the difference between the wild and the tamed is not always easy. It takes knowledge and artistic skills to portray the free running river in a way that does it justice. Kristel Schneider has that capacity. Her images show that the value of rapids and natural riversides is not just a matter of species and ecology. Free running rivers also represent immense emotional and cultural values. Until we admit that, the last ones are probably doomed to be sacrificed on the altar of progress. I recommend this book to anyone who needs arguments for why rivers need protection - Henrik Ekman (Swedish author, journalist, television presenter and producer, THE Swedish voice in all international wildlife films on Swedish television (SVT)
(FRANCE, October 20th 2023 via BELIEVE record company). What a wonderful project! The book on the Allier is magnificent, with beautiful photos of the river, accompanied by lovely text. It's Christmas before time! And I'll be able to listen to Fabrizio's vinyl on my turntable! - Apple Inc. France
(UK, October 7th 2023 pre-review) Dear Kristel, Thank you so much for the opportunity to pre-review your new book, it is magnificent. Photographs truly come to life when they are printed. Skimming through the pages of Riverscape, I see the end result of a deep and personal relationship between a person and a place. Photography allows us to immerse ourselves in dreams and imagination with passion. A place is no longer a sum of parts; water, trees, wildlife: It is a world of beauty, aesthetics and wonder. Through an artist's eyes we not only see that place through new eyes, we are trained to see our own local landscapes through those same lenses of wonder and passion. This is the gift that Kristel shares with us, the superpower of passionate observation. To care for an ecosystem and marvel at its majestic complexity - Alister Benn Photographer and founder of Expressive Photography Limited, United Kingdom)
(CANADA, September 2023 pre-review) The preview of the book looks amazing! What a wonderful project!! RIVERSCAPE is a beautiful collection of images by Kristel Schneider that takes us on a meandering journey along the richly diverse corridor of the River Allier in France. Her wonderfully personal narrative and observations, unveil the soul of this majestic watercourse, crafting an intimate tale of the river's ever-changing moods through the seasons - Viktoria Haack photographer (British Columbia, Canada)
(France, 20 octobre 2023 via le label BELIEVE). Quel merveilleux projet ! Le livre sur l'Allier est magnifique, avec de belles photos de la rivière, accompagnées d'un joli texte. C'est Noël avant l'heure ! Et je peux écouter le vinyle de Fabrizio sur ma platine ! - Apple Inc. France
(France 19/10/2023) Il est magnifique ! Sauvage, émouvant, si différent des photos de l’Allier que nous l’habitude de voir.
Bravo Kristel ! - Nathalie de GROSSOUVRE
(France 16/10/2023) Magnifique ouvrage qui, grâce à un portrait intimiste, nous fait découvrir la rivière Allier comme on l'avait rarement perçue. Au fil des saisons, les émotions sont fortes entre la douceur des arbres givrés et les nuances différentes de la faune, la violence des flots et le calme des reflets . Les couleurs sont sublimes, des plus chaleureuses aux plus "métalliques", voire fantomatiques. Un livre à ne pas ranger et à garder près de soi pour s'émerveiller à chaque fois d'un nouveau détail et d'un nouveau regard - Eliane ROMEUF
The book RIVERSCAPE wonderfully illustrates the sensitive relationship that one can have with this majestic river, from its source, passing through the powerful gorges of the Allier, to its more nonchalant course in the alluvial plain.
Kristel offers us her poetic look at this river around which all those who have been able to approach it, and take the time to observe it, have developed a strong, intimate and visceral bond. These images evoke the softness but also the power of this natural space, the strength of the living or mineral elements that compose it. The pure beauty of this work of art that nature offers us!- Estelle COURNEZ Director of the Allier Conservatory of Natural Spaces
(CEN Allier - Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de l’Allier)